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Celebrating my 30th birthday

Got a haircut in the morning underneath my HDB block, went for a facial at Bukit Batok in my beautician's flat, met Joel for Green Dot lunch, went to pick up dinner plates at Qultured in Raffles City, checked out Nespresso and decided on getting Essenza mini machine if Joel doesn't manage to fix our broken Innisia, went back home to be picked up by in-laws to eat at Ivin's for dinner.  Desserts and cakes received includes Fruit Paradise fruit tart from in-laws, an assortment of tarts from Aunty Adeline, Haagan Daz Rum and Raisin, Acai Affair from Claire and Jian. Fruit Paradise tart is not as good as it looks, but I am glad to finally have something I wanted since Secondary School. Funny how our enjoyment level of the same things might wane over the years if the want is not fulfilled. Perhaps it is better to have something now when I know I will enjoy it, than to delay it and find it difficult to know what I would enjoy. But because my wants and desires was always deemed as

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